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  • Writer's picturePastor Jarrod Ball

I seem to be getting more forgetful.

These last few weeks I seem to be getting more forgetful. Not terrible like I can not remember where my car is or, what my children's names are. More like I so focused one thing I forget the bigger things around me. Many of you will remember when it dawned on me in the middle of my sermon that I forgot to wish Brayden happy birthday at the beginning of the service. Stuff like that is what I am talking about. It seems that a lot of times I am doing this more and more. So let me ask you this, how is that affecting my walk with God? Am I to the point where I am forgetting to talk to God and read God's word, well sometimes to be honest. Sometimes after working, picking kids up, running around, figuring out how to feed said kids, and finally getting them all to bed my mind is shot and I just want to sit. Usually when I just sit is when I fall asleep. In those times is when I may forget the prayers of thanksgiving I had been thinking about during the day. How do we handle this in an ever increasing busy world? Well I do have the habit of praying every morning no matter what. I also talk to God while driving pretty regularly, and get strange looks often as well. The most important thing for us all to remember is that God is still there for us. That He is willing to listen when we admit our flaws even if that flaw is forgetting to pray or give proper thanksgiving. Just go to Him and let His love clothe you.

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