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  • Writer's picturePastor Jarrod Ball

Our God is Powerful!

This week I have been doing a lot more pondering about what more is it God is calling me to do. I have been called to be a Pastor, but what else is He pushing me to do. I have much love for this congregation and all of its members, and my goal is make sure we are showing others the love of Christ that we see in our church. Well while praying about it, it came to me reach outside your comfort zone. I then reached to missions with those who are down on their luck or in a transitional point in there lives. I was not sure what to expect or how I/we would be able to be of any help. Within a day emails and calls started rolling in from those organizations and let me tell you it was amazing. God has shown me what can be done if I reach out to areas that are not necessarily my strong suit. That God is in control and we just need to listen to what He is asking of us. I went further and agreed to be a mentor to a young man trying to get his life together. I was in sitting in a probation office with this young man when he decided to follow Christ, what a powerful moment. So, next time you have a feeling that you should talk to that person you usually would not talk to, do it. That might be the moment that may change their life.

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